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Albania paralyzed: The opposition blocked roads across the country VIDEO

The Albanian opposition organized roadblocks across the country, demanding that the current government be replaced by an interim technical government before next year's parliamentary elections.


Albania paralyzed: The opposition blocked roads across the country VIDEO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Vlasov Sulaj


The slogan of their protests was "Civil blockade, today or never", reports the PCNEN portal.

Hundreds of protesters gathered in Tirana and at five other key intersections in the country.

Opposition MPs parked their vehicles in the middle of the road, blocking traffic for three hours, Beta writes.

The conservative Democratic Party, led by former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, accuses the ruling socialists led by Edi Rama of corruption, election manipulation and usurpation of the judicial system.

A large number of police officers were deployed to guard government buildings, and they warned that obstructing traffic could result in a prison sentence of up to three years.

Demonstrators also gathered because of the arrest of Berisha and former president Ilir Meta in various cases of corruption, considering that the accusations were politically motivated.

Also, one of the democratic deputies, Ervin Salijani, was convicted of defamation.


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