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The body of a girl (2) was found in Romania: The body showed signs of violence

Two-year-old Raisa Maria, who disappeared yesterday in Dolj, was found dead not far from her home.


The body of a girl (2) was found in Romania: The body showed signs of violence
Shutterstock/Vlad Ispas


The girl's body, with traces of violence, was found in a field about 400 meters from her home.

Little Raisa Maria disappeared yesterday in the early afternoon, while she was playing with other children in the yard. At first, the parents thought that she had gone to her grandmother's house, which is only a few meters away.

However, they soon realized that the child never reached her grandfather. The search began immediately. During the entire night, more than 150 policemen, volunteers, and citizens were on the ground, and a helicopter, drones and search dogs were involved in the search.

Unfortunately, the girl's body was found this morning around 10 a.m., and it is believed that she was murdered. According to Romanian media, the girl's body was found in dense vegetation.

It is not known at this time if anyone has been taken into custody. The police only stated that the body was found and that the investigation is ongoing.

Let us remind you that two days ago, Romania was shaken by the news of the death of an eight-year-old girl, Maria, who was raped and killed, and her body was then thrown in the atar of the village. Her stepfather's brother is suspected of the murder.


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