Politics 1



Extraordinary address of Aleksandar Vučić: Requests an advisory referendum VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced the possibility of a referendum on his removal.

Izvor: B92.net

Extraordinary address of Aleksandar Vučić: Requests an advisory referendum VIDEO


"The objective and impartial CRTA announced to the public that the vast majority of citizens are in favor of my removal. There is no more credible source, neither for the international community, nor for political parties in Serbia, than that non-governmental organization. I fought for the people and the people are my strength", he said.

"If these statements by CRTA are true, it is impossible for me to remain in the position of the president of Serbia, and therefore, it is necessary for the opposition parties to submit only 67 signatures, and they have over 80, in order to hold an advisory referendum on the president of Serbia," said Vučić and added:

"Legitimacy is the most important thing in politics, and sovereignty always stems from the will of the people. I think the offer is more than fair, and it is also good that everyone in this country should stop pretending that they care about some construction books and that we finally put things on its place," he said.

"Contrary to popular belief, I was never interested in government as such, I was and am only interested in the progress of Serbia. Serbia must not stand still! Long live Serbia," said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.


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