Removing Assad from power "no longer US priority"

Making Syrian President Bashar al-Assad leave power is not longer a priority of US foreign policy.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 31.03.2017.


Removing Assad from power
(Screen capture)

Removing Assad from power "no longer US priority"

"You pick and choose your battles and when we're looking at this, it's about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out. What we are going to focus on is putting the pressure in there so that we can start to make a change in Syria," she said on Thursday, according to Reuters.

"We can't necessarily focus on Assad the way that the previous administration did. Our priority is to really look at how do we get things done, who do we need to work with to really make a difference for the people in Syria," Haley told "a small group of reporters."

Also on Thursday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that "Assad's longer-term status 'will be decided by the Syrian people'," the agency reported.

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