Russia has "Penicillin" for Ukraine

Russian Federation will deploy the new Penicillin sound-thermal reconnaissance system in Ukraine as part of a special military operation.

Izvor: bulgarianmilitary/M.S.

Monday, 19.12.2022.


Russia has
Foto: Profimedia

Russia has "Penicillin" for Ukraine

The deployment of the "Penicillin" system, also known as "1B75 Penicillin", was announced by two Russian sources, RIA Novosti and Izvestia.

As stated in the press release, a new series of Penicillin sound-thermal reconnaissance systems has already been delivered to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The system will be used to combat artillery batteries, two Russian online portals write. This is not the first time that the Russian armed forces have used "Penicillin" in Ukraine. Reports say that "Penicillin" has already proven to be successful against NATO artillery in Ukraine," that is, as a successful countermeasure against artillery ammunition supplied to Ukraine by its allies.

Penicillin is Moscow's answer to the "HIMARS MLRS" supplied by Washington. Russian acoustic-thermal systems do not emit radio waves but detect enemy artillery via seismic and acoustic sensors.

Penicillin's maker, Russian company JSC Ruselectronics says the system is designed to counter enemy artillery, mortars, MLR, anti-aircraft or tactical missile firing positions.

Russia is the only country that has these systems.

"Penicillin" belongs to the new generation of weapons of the Russian Federation, it was developed in 2017, tested in 2018, and in 2020 it officially entered the service of the Russian army.

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