Serbian FM sings "full repertoire" in Greece/VIDEO

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has once again been recorded singing in public - this time in Greece, when he offered "a full repertoire."

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.08.2017.


Serbian FM sings
(Screen capture)

Serbian FM sings "full repertoire" in Greece/VIDEO

The Serbian minister sang about a dozen songs, including one Greek and one Russian.

The education workers from Jagodina are spending four days in the Greek resort town in order to "exchange experiences" with their Greek colleagues - a trip that Jagodina Mayor Dragan "Palma" Markovic said was not financed from the municipal budget, but by donors and friends of Jagodina.

As part of the visit, Markovic's party, United Serbia (JS), will close its office in Paralia, that has for the last three years been open during the summer, with the goal of "helping our tourists in this part of Greece."

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