"Russian media mostly ignore Croatian president's visit"

Unlike the Croatian media, who have presented Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic's visit to Russia as a big event, the Russian media "barely reported about it."

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 19.10.2017.


(Getty Images, file)

"Russian media mostly ignore Croatian president's visit"

The daily Kommersant announced Grabar-Kitarovic's visit, stressing that it was being prepared for a long time by the Croatian side.

The article pointed out that relations between Croatia and Russia "have been on ice since 2009 when Croatia joined NATO" - and mentioned that in the past two years, Croatia did not have an ambassador in Moscow.

The report further stated that the visit aims to "produce an inventory of sorts of bilateral relations and identify possible areas of future cooperation."

The newspaper also noted that both the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy are missing from the Croatian delegation, although a Russian-Croatian business forum would be held in Moscow.

TASS published a brief interview with Grabar-Kitarovic, "in which the president was serious when she said she was convinced Croatia could become an intermediary between Russia and NATO - and that the deterioration of these relations means instability in Europe," writes Index.

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