Dodik's security raised to the highest level: "Based on the enclosed information"

The level of security of the Serbian member of the BiH Presidency, Milorad Dodik, and his family has been raised, Ministry of the Interior of Srpska announced.

Izvor: RTS

Wednesday, 13.04.2022.


Dodik's security raised to the highest level:

Dodik's security raised to the highest level: "Based on the enclosed information"

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska announced that, based on the information received from the partner services on the possibility of endangering the security of the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina Milorad Dodik and his family from a certain group, his security has been raised to the highest level.

Ministry of the Interior emphasized that the mentioned measures will remain in force until all the facts related to this information are fully verified, RTS reports.

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