Rama: "We will remove the borders, Durres will be a port of Kosovo"

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said today that Kosovo and Albania intend to "remove the borders", so the Albanian port of Durres will soon become "Kosovo's".

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 02.10.2020.


EPA/Sergei Ilnitsky

Rama: "We will remove the borders, Durres will be a port of Kosovo"

He said that at the beginning of the session of the Albanian and Kosovo governments, which is being held in the Congress Palace in Tirana, the Reporters portal informs.

"Our ambition is to remove the border between Albania and Kosovo. I believe it is important for the interior ministries of both countries to step up their work to enable real-time border crossing control, which would allow us to finally open the border without losing an inch on the front line against illegal activities and against any form of abuse of freedom of movement," Rama said, as "Kosovo Online" reports.

"The agreement that we will sign soon to facilitate customs procedures between the two countries leads us to our ultimate goal, the transformation of the port of Durres into the de facto port of Kosovo," Rama said.

As it is stated, the Pristina delegation was welcomed in Albania with the greatest honors, but it did not include ministers from the Serbian List, Goran Rakić and Dalibor Jevtić.

After the meeting, three customs agreements are expected to be signed in Durres, along with the agreement on a railway line and a hydropower plant for Kosovo to be built in Albania.

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