Vučić on reception of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe: It was expected

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said today that the reception of the so-called Kosovo's accession to the Council of Europe was an expected decision.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 25.04.2023.


Vučić on reception of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe: It was expected
Tanjug/AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic

Vučić on reception of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe: It was expected

"As for the Council of Europe, we knew they had a majority, they had 33 countries, and we expected 34. We knew from the beginning. These are countries that are members of the EU or candidates and unquestioningly listen to what Brussels and Washington tell them, that was expected ", the president stated.

As Vucic said, Hungary's decision was unexpected, and he is grateful to the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

"They showed themselves to be the biggest friend of Serbia, and they voted against. They did it in a very loud and clear way. I want to thank them for that. Thank you Spain, Cyprus, Romania, Azerbaijan." Serbia has never been restrained regarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine and let me inform you that the Ukrainian representatives asked for a break to consult and decided to be restrained regarding the territorial integrity of Serbia... Greece was more or less expected...", he added.

Vučić stated that we must not allow ourselves to cut off an arm or a leg and to sever relations with everyone in the world.

"We should respect those who are friendly towards us. Lest we forget tomorrow that Spain, Hungary, Azerbaijan are friendly countries," said the President of Serbia.

Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, he said that every occupation must come to an end.

Vučić also touched on the Serbian Army, pointing out that he is proud of it.

"We look with pride at the progress of the Serbian army, to the joy of every normal citizen of our country," he said.

"That says how nervous they are"

Commenting on Blerim Vela's offensive tweet, President Vučić stated that this "says that they are nervous and how much they and their bosses have lost it".

"It's nice when someone presents himself as a beacon of freedom and democracy, and in the same time, he has to explain that 0.029 percent of people turn out for elections, then you have a problem. Many of them are paid by the so-called Kosovo government, it's no secret, they are registered as paid, that is completely normal, but to explain it to someone... It's difficult," said Vučić.

Let's remind you, Blerim Vela, the head of the cabinet of the president of the so-called Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, wrote: "Peter, stop barking", responding to the tweet of the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković.

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