Serbia won't back Montenegro's candidate for top UN job

Serbia will not support Montenegro's candidate for the post of UN secretary-general, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 30.12.2015.


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Serbia won't back Montenegro's candidate for top UN job

Dacic made the statement for the Belgrade-based daily Danas, which writes on Wednesday that it came "as no surprise - considering that Montenegro recently voted in favor of Kosovo's admission to UNESCO."

At the time, Dacic said Montenegro's vote was "not only about Kosovo, but one deeply opposed to the Serbian national interests."

"The way others are treating our interests, we will treat theirs. I don't believe we will be voting in favor of their things on the international scene," said Dacic.

Asked on Tuesday about Serbia's candidate for the top UN job, the foreign minister said:

"We have not yet made a decision, that is yet to be discussed, and will be the object of consultations at the highest level. There are certainly some names, but when we speak about it we must bear in mind Serbia is not deciding on that."

He also "denied media reports" and said, "We have never considered supporting other candidates."

Speaking late on Tuesday, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia still had no candidate, and that "whomever Serbia supports will have a 70 percent chance of succeeding."

Now that the UN Security Council has opened the procedure for the selection of the next secretary-general, countries should announce their candidates during the next six months.

The top job in the UN hierarchy will this time go to Eastern Europe. Serbia's neighbors are eager to win that race, and thus Montenegro has nominated Luksic, while Croatia's candidate is Vesna Pusic, who until recently served as the country's foreign minister.

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