One question for the western partners VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, posted a video on his Instagram account "Future of Serbia" with a question for Western partners.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 14.12.2022.


One question for the western partners VIDEO

One question for the western partners VIDEO

Namely, President Vučić asked which of the agreements the western partners wanted to respect, the one from Washington, Brussels, Kumanovo, Resolution 1244...

"Dear citizens of Serbia, you already know that I asked our Western partners to tell me which of the five important documents they want to respect: the Kumanovo Agreement, the Charter of the United Nations, Resolution 1244, the Brussels Agreement or the Washington Agreement," said President Vučić at the beginning of his address.

"We have come to the sixth very important document of the European Union, from 2003, the famous Thessaloniki document on the expansion of the European Union to the Western Balkans. And precisely in light of the submission of the EU membership application of the so-called Kosovo, my question is whether they will respect the documents they themselves brought, including the historical one from Thessaloniki, because point five of the Thessaloniki document says that it fully supports the implementation of resolution 1244. So, my question from today is, which of these six documents do you want to respect and we will fully agree with it", said President Vučić.

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