Ahead of trip to Srebrenica, Vucic penned "letter to public"

"Serbia clearly and unequivocally condemns the horrible crime in Srebrenica," Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 11.07.2015.


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Ahead of trip to Srebrenica, Vucic penned "letter to public"

"There are no words that could describe the grief and sorrow over the victims, nor fury and resentment toward those who committed that monstrous crime," Vucic wrote in his "letter to the public" before departing for the commemoration in Srebrenica.

"Serbia clearly and unequivocally condemns this terrible crime, abhors those who took part in it and will continue to bring them to justice," he wrote.

Speaking about the decision to go to Srebrenica as the prime minister of Serbia, Vucic stated that this is much more than politics, political games and pressures.

"My obligation is to bow before the victims, and that is an act which defines us for the future," he noted.

"There is a simple question echoing here - what should we do in order for this not to happen again,” he said. "The Serbian government wants us to live with Bosniaks, work together and start believing each other," the prime minister stressed, adding that his hand of reconciliation will remain extended.

“Anything less than that would be an insult to all our victims as well,” Vucic concluded.

Vucic on Saturday took part in the commemorations, at the end of which he and the Serbian delegation were attacked with stones and other objects and had to be evacuated.

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