French corporation to run Belgrade airport for next 25 years

PM Ana Brnabic announced on Saturday that the French corporation Vinci Airports was awarded a 25-year concession to run Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 08.01.2018.


French corporation to run Belgrade airport for next 25 years
(Tanjug, file)

French corporation to run Belgrade airport for next 25 years

According to the prime minister, Vinci's bid was the best in every category - financial, technical and legal - while the French corporation "already runs eight airports worldwide."

Vinci offered to pay EUR 501 million euros for the concession and pledged to invest EUR 732 million over the 25 years, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

He also said that the annual concession tax would range from EUR 4.3 million to 16 million, Beta reported.

Vucic added that there would be no layoffs, and that Vinci has assumed the obligation not to change airport fees for three years.

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