Committee to discuss referendum in Kosovo

The parliament's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija is set to discuss the decisions by the assemblies of the four municipalities from northern Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 31.01.2012.


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The parliament's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija is set to discuss the decisions by the assemblies of the four municipalities from northern Kosovo. The Serb municipalities have called a referendum for mid-February, where the citizens will have a chance to declare themselves on whether they accept the Kosovo Albanian institutions in Pristina. Committee to discuss referendum in Kosovo The municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic announced that the referendum will be held on February 14 and 15. The Serbian authorities called on the Serbs in northern Kosovo on several occasions to give up the referendum, saying that they will not benefit from it. Mayor of Leposavic - the only municipal head in the north who comes from the Democratic Party (DS) - Branko Ninic told Tanjug on Monday that the announced referendum in the municipalities in northern Kosovo should be postponed immediately. He offered three arguments in favor of his proposal: the outcome of the referendum is known in advance, it could slow down Serbia's progress on its EU path, and the Serbs residing in northern Kosovo could be left without the support of the only state which they recognize - the Republic of Serbia. Members of the Committee will also discuss the report on the review of the annual financial report of the Ministry for Kosovo for 2010, submitted by the State Audit Institution (DRI). Committee Chairman Ljubomir Kragovic told Tanjug that Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanoviccand DRI Council President Radoslav Sretenovic have been invited to take part in the session. Tanjug

Committee to discuss referendum in Kosovo

The municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvečan, Zubin Potok and Leposavić announced that the referendum will be held on February 14 and 15.

The Serbian authorities called on the Serbs in northern Kosovo on several occasions to give up the referendum, saying that they will not benefit from it.

Mayor of Leposavić - the only municipal head in the north who comes from the Democratic Party (DS) - Branko Ninić told Tanjug on Monday that the announced referendum in the municipalities in northern Kosovo should be postponed immediately.

He offered three arguments in favor of his proposal: the outcome of the referendum is known in advance, it could slow down Serbia's progress on its EU path, and the Serbs residing in northern Kosovo could be left without the support of the only state which they recognize - the Republic of Serbia.

Members of the Committee will also discuss the report on the review of the annual financial report of the Ministry for Kosovo for 2010, submitted by the State Audit Institution (DRI).

Committee Chairman Ljubomir Kragović told Tanjug that Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovicćand DRI Council President Radoslav Sretenović have been invited to take part in the session.

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