Putin: Russia "backstabbed by terrorist accomplices"

Turkey's decision to shoot down a Russian military plane on Tuesday will have "grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey," says Vladimir Putin.

Izvor: RT, Sputnik

Tuesday, 24.11.2015.


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Putin: Russia "backstabbed by terrorist accomplices"

The plane was hit by a Turkish warplane as it was travelling one kilometer away from the Turkish border, Putin said. Sputnik quoted him as saying that the jet fell "four kilometers away from the border, within Syrian airspace."

"The plane posed no threat to Turkish national security. The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey," Putin said, according to RT, and added:

"The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS."

According to the Russian president, the plane was on a mission targeting terrorist targets in the Latakia province of Syria, "many of whom came from Russia."

"Russia noticed of the flow of oil from Syrian territory under the control of terrorists to Turkey. Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world," he added.

Putin also remarked that his country had "signed an agreement on deconflicting with the U.S. - and as we know Turkey was among the ones that has joined the U.S. coalition."

"We have always treated Turkey as a friendly state. I don’t know who was interested in what happened today, certainly not us," he said.

Putin made the remarks as he was meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II in Sochi, RF, who "expressed his condolences to the Russian leader over the loss of a Russian pilot in Tuesday’s incident, as well as the deaths of Russians in the Islamic State bombing of a passenger plane in Egypt," RT reported.

Turkey said that they shot down the Russian warplane "near the Syrian border after repeated warnings over air space violations" but Russia said "it could prove the jet had not left Syrian air space," according to Reuters.

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