Izetbegovic rejects allegations linking his party to attack

Bakir Izetbegovic has rejected <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=07&dd=13&nav_id=94738" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the claims</a> that he and people close to him were behind the attack that targeted Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 14.07.2015.


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Vucic is attacked in Potocari (Beta/AP)

Izetbegovic rejects allegations linking his party to attack

Vucic was attending a commemoration for the Srebrenica victims at Potocari on Sunday when he was attacked with stones.

"I said that I was ashamed by what happened to Prime Minister Vucic," Izetbegovic told reporters on Monday, adding that he saw in Vucic "a hope to improve relations in the Balkans, relations between Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Bosniaks, and Serbs."

"I still have that hope. I would never, as they say, shoot myself in the foot, or God forbid to something of this kind," said Izetbegovic, and added he is "exceptionally interested in normalization."

"Vucic can play an exceptionally important role in that, so I would not do that to anyone, ever, especially not to him."

Izetbegovic added that he "attempted to talk to Vucic, sent him text messages - but Vucic is not responding."

"There is a certain amount of anger on his end, but we'll see," the Bosnia-based website klix.ba reported Izetbegovic as saying.

Also on Monday, the Belgrade-based daily Blic reported that Serbian security services had identified Asim S. as the person who organized the attack - and said he was a high ranking official of the SDA party and an associate of

The daily Dnevni Avaz from Sarajevo then reported that the person in a photograph published by Blic was, "the main attacker on Vucic," was Almir M. from Jelah, near the Bosnian town of Tesanj. The paper said that he is "close to the SDA."

The report is based on information Dnevni Avaz received from its readers, who "sent pictures of Almir M. from Potocari that he and his friends posted on Facebook."

"In Jelah," the daily was told, "it is known that Almir M. and his group are very close to some influential people from the SDA."

Furthermore, he is the brother-in-law on Ramiz Hodzic - a former member of the "El Mujahid" unit in Bosnia - who was in February arrested in the United States on charges of helping the Islamic State.

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