Hungarian army completes construction of border base

The Hungarian army has announced that it had completed construction of a border base in Kelebia, near the border with Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 09.02.2017.


Hungarian army completes construction of border base

Hungarian army completes construction of border base

Each will accommodate 150 soldiers, the website said, adding that, if needed, "a higher level of containers will be built, which would mean doubling the number of troops to 1,200 people."

Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Army Tibor Benko said that the soldiers will continue to perform their tasks at the border "until the migration pressure on Hungary ends."

According to this, he also said he "hopes that after the construction of the second line of the fence fewer troops will be needed."

Benko "pointed out that more attention is focused on the border with Serbia" where the soldiers built a 170-kilometer border fence, while another, 136 kilometers long, was built along Hungary's border with Croatia.

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