Jeremić: Foreign policy challenges ahead

Vuk Jeremić, DS, expects a new government to be put together as soon as possible, "since Serbia has numerous foreign policy challenges ahead".

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 29.06.2008.


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Vuk Jeremic, DS, expects a new government to be put together as soon as possible, "since Serbia has numerous foreign policy challenges ahead". "I expect a government to be formed in the shortest possible time and that everyone will stand behind the new prime minister, since we have tough challenges ahead." Jeremic: Foreign policy challenges ahead "If I am in that government I will stand behind the premier and do all to preserves [Serbia's] territorial integrity by all democratic means and continue our road toward the EU," said the outgoing foreign minister. In a statement for a Belgrade television station last night, Jeremic added that he was not directly involved in ongoing negotiations to form the next cabinet, but that he was surprised when he heard the Hungarian Coalition had turned down an offer to take participate. He also expressed his belief that common ground will be found with this coalition so that the government can be formed as soon as possible. "Now is not a time for divisions and bickering, now is a time to stand together and move forward. Some things are ahead of us, especially foreign-policy wise, where government and opposition must be together." Jeremic, a Democratic Party (DS) member and unofficially one of the people considered for prime minister before party leader Boris Tadic announced Mirko Cvetkovic was his choice, also denied that there were any rifts over this issue, rather that the DS experienced "only a healthy and democratic debate on personnel solutions". Vuk Jeremic (FoNet)

Jeremić: Foreign policy challenges ahead

"If I am in that government I will stand behind the premier and do all to preserves [Serbia's] territorial integrity by all democratic means and continue our road toward the EU," said the outgoing foreign minister.

In a statement for a Belgrade television station last night, Jeremić added that he was not directly involved in ongoing negotiations to form the next cabinet, but that he was surprised when he heard the Hungarian Coalition had turned down an offer to take participate.

He also expressed his belief that common ground will be found with this coalition so that the government can be formed as soon as possible.

"Now is not a time for divisions and bickering, now is a time to stand together and move forward. Some things are ahead of us, especially foreign-policy wise, where government and opposition must be together."

Jeremić, a Democratic Party (DS) member and unofficially one of the people considered for prime minister before party leader Boris Tadić announced Mirko Cvetković was his choice, also denied that there were any rifts over this issue, rather that the DS experienced "only a healthy and democratic debate on personnel solutions".

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