Trucks with food supplies ready for Kosovo

Trucks with 75 tons of food supplies for the population in northern Kosovo will depart for the province on Thursday, it has been announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 03.08.2011.


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Trucks with 75 tons of food supplies for the population in northern Kosovo will depart for the province on Thursday, it has been announced. The Serbian Red Cross has started taking over the goods from the warehouse of the Serbian Directorate for Commodity Reserves. Trucks with food supplies ready for Kosovo Director of the Directorate for Commodity Reserves Goran Tasic told Tanjug that the Serbian Red Cross (CKS) has started taking over the goods from the storage and should distribute the aid to the citizens in Kosovo. CKS Secretary General Vesna Milenovic said that the trucks should arrive at Jarinje administrative crossing on Thursday afternoon, adding that no major problems should occur during the transport to Kosovo. The Serbian government issued a grant for the Directorate of Commodity Reserves to deliver the necessary food products worth RSD 8.4mn the municipality of Leposavic. The Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija called on the Directorate to urgently raise 20,000 kilograms of sugar, 20,000 liters of cooking oil, 30,000 kilograms of flour and 5,000 kilograms of milk powder for the delivery to Serb population in northern Kosovo. NATO-led troops in the province, KFOR, are blocking delivery of food and medical supplies via normal routs across the Jarinje and Brnjak posts on the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Trucks with food supplies ready for Kosovo

Director of the Directorate for Commodity Reserves Goran Tasić told Tanjug that the Serbian Red Cross (CKS) has started taking over the goods from the storage and should distribute the aid to the citizens in Kosovo.

CKS Secretary General Vesna Milenović said that the trucks should arrive at Jarinje administrative crossing on Thursday afternoon, adding that no major problems should occur during the transport to Kosovo.

The Serbian government issued a grant for the Directorate of Commodity Reserves to deliver the necessary food products worth RSD 8.4mn the municipality of Leposavić.

The Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija called on the Directorate to urgently raise 20,000 kilograms of sugar, 20,000 liters of cooking oil, 30,000 kilograms of flour and 5,000 kilograms of milk powder for the delivery to Serb population in northern Kosovo.

NATO-led troops in the province, KFOR, are blocking delivery of food and medical supplies via normal routs across the Jarinje and Brnjak posts on the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia.

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