"Spain does not support Feith plan"

Spanish ambassador to Serbia Inigo de Palacio Espana said that Madrid does not support the plan for the integration of northern Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 13.02.2010.


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Spanish ambassador to Serbia Inigo de Palacio Espana said that Madrid does not support the plan for the integration of northern Kosovo. Commenting on media speculation that suggests that Spain supports the plan of the International Civil Office (ICO) in Kosovo Chief Pieter Feith for the integration of northern Kosovo with the institutions in Pristina, Espana said that there is no basis for these claims. "Spain does not support Feith plan" “Our Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos was very clear when he talked about this with Minister Jeremic—Feith’s plan was not approved by the European Union, it was not even discussed. It is not an EU plan, and Spain has already spoken against it,” Espana told B92. He said that he believes that Belgrade and Pristina can still talk and that a solution can be found for Kosovo that will be either acceptable for both sides or less unacceptable. “There is a reality on the ground as far as Kosovo is concerned. Whether we agree about it or not, there is a problem that must be solved. I cannot speak on the return to negotiations, but I like to think about dialogue as a way to solve a problem which is waiting to be solved,” Espana said. “It is in the interest of the EU to solve the problem in its central part. Secondly, it is a problem for Serbia, which is very important to us and with which we have great relations. We want to see Serbia and Pristina reach an agreement that would be sustainable and acceptable for both sides,” he said, reminding that Kosovo’s position in the international community is very fragile. “Kosovo has not become a member of the international community, it is recognized by a third of the world. Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations. We want this situation to be overcome through dialogue and to have both sides agree on a solution that would be functional on the ground,” Espana said.

"Spain does not support Feith plan"

“Our Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos was very clear when he talked about this with Minister Jeremić—Feith’s plan was not approved by the European Union, it was not even discussed. It is not an EU plan, and Spain has already spoken against it,” Espana told B92.

He said that he believes that Belgrade and Priština can still talk and that a solution can be found for Kosovo that will be either acceptable for both sides or less unacceptable.

“There is a reality on the ground as far as Kosovo is concerned. Whether we agree about it or not, there is a problem that must be solved. I cannot speak on the return to negotiations, but I like to think about dialogue as a way to solve a problem which is waiting to be solved,” Espana said.

“It is in the interest of the EU to solve the problem in its central part. Secondly, it is a problem for Serbia, which is very important to us and with which we have great relations. We want to see Serbia and Priština reach an agreement that would be sustainable and acceptable for both sides,” he said, reminding that Kosovo’s position in the international community is very fragile.

“Kosovo has not become a member of the international community, it is recognized by a third of the world. Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations. We want this situation to be overcome through dialogue and to have both sides agree on a solution that would be functional on the ground,” Espana said.

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