Serbia supports implementation of Arms Trade Treaty

Serbia fully supports the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and actively works on the national institutional modalities to facilitate its successful implementation.,

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 25.08.2015.


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(Tanjug/Serbian MFA)

Serbia supports implementation of Arms Trade Treaty

Dacic "stressed that the implementation of the ATT will improve global security."

He noted that Serbia, in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research and the EU, hosted a regional seminar supporting the Treaty in April 2012, and ratified the ATT on October 29, 2014, two months before it came into force.

"We have adopted a new law on export and import of weapons and military equipment and the law on the export and import of dual-use goods in accordance with the criteria and principles expressed in the Treaty," said Dacic.

Speaking in his capacity as OSCE chairperson-in-office, Dacic pointed out that the majority of member-states of the organization had ratified the Arms Trade Treaty and that the OSCE fully supported all activities and objectives set out in the Treaty.

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