Media: Serbia will not sink into the American mud

Serbia is not among the signatories of State Department document on peaceful withdrawal from Afghanistan, which is now important, due to chaos in that country.

Izvor: Novosti

Thursday, 19.08.2021.


Media: Serbia will not sink into the American mud

Media: Serbia will not sink into the American mud

According to Novosti, regardless of the pressure coming from the West, i.e. America, this time on the issue of Afghanistan and the reception of refugees from that country occupied by the Taliban after the withdrawal of international forces led by the USA, Serbia will not accept pressure, and in decision-making, it will be guided by their interests.

The joint statement initiated by the USA was not signed by our neighbors, neither Bosnia-Herzegovina, nor Hungary, and neither Russia nor China, among others.

Interlocutors of "Novosti" emphasize that Serbia is an independent, sovereign state, militarily neutral, that it wants to stay and has the best possible relations with both the West and the East, so it will measure all its moves accordingly. They state that they do not see why they would now "reward" the United States because of the situation in Afghanistan.

They also believe that Serbia's decision not to sign the Washington document has nothing to do with our solidarity with Russia and China, and even less with the argument of our dependence on these countries, but has nothing to do with protecting our interests and demonstrating our independence.

Ognjen Karanović, from the Center for Social Stability, reminds that Serbia neither persuaded the USA and its NATO allies to intervene in Afghanistan, nor in the end faltered them, as he says, to leave that country in such a shameful way and leave its citizens to the Taliban.
"Biden has damaged his reputation because of Afghanistan, it has been at an all-time low since coming to the White House and it is to be expected that he will sharpen his rhetoric towards those crises and challenges in the world such as the Western Balkans. Pressures on Serbia and on the positions of our country and our people in the region will intensify. Especially when it comes to Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the US advocates a modification of the Dayton Accords in a more extreme form. It does not mean that it may seek the abolition of RS, but it is to be expected that under the guise of creating a more functional Bosnia-Herzegovina, he will take a firm stance on the issue of the southern Serbian province, and the pressure will go through "mediators", such as Greece and other EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo, and which will be asked to change that stance", Karanovic said.

Former Yugoslav Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic told "Novosti" that the American interventionist policy experienced a humiliating debacle in Afghanistan, in which the castle they had been building for 20 years collapsed like a tower of cards in two days:

"The West, under U.S. hegemony, has begun to collectively oblige other countries to follow them in what they set out to do. This kind of search for collective solidarity is anachronistic, outdated and somewhat disgusting. "Washington voted to break up Serbia. Why should we now rush in any way to determine ourselves in all this," he said.
Although Serbia has absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Kabul, it will very soon face the serious consequences of the U.S. policy towards Afghanistan, and that is the new migrant crisis. Namely, it is estimated that due to the victory of the Taliban and leaving Afghanistan in such a chaotic way, about a million people in the first wave of migration will move towards Europe, and thus towards Serbia. The EU is currently keeping its eyes on Washington, while the United States is apparently closing its doors to Afghanistan, without offering any new solution.

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