Vucic still doesn't have proposal for Kosovo solution

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that he still does not have a proposal for a solution for Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 17.04.2018.


Vucic still doesn't have proposal for Kosovo solution

Vucic still doesn't have proposal for Kosovo solution

Speaking during a news conference with the prime minister of Germany's Baden-Wurttemburg state, he promised he would "surely work seriously, responsibly and bravely on it - but it will certainly not be easy for Serbs."

Vucic, responding to questions from the press, said that he would produce the proposal, "if possible, in a way that would not weaken the position of Serbia" and that he "guarantees that he would work diligently in order to move closer to a compromise solution and reach an agreement."

He added that he was not one of those who favor maintaining a frozen conflict and waiting for better times.

"Because that doesn't exist, we will only see harder and worse times," he said, adding that "we should not leave our problems to children, but to solve them now through dialogue."

Vucic observed, however, that whatever decision he comes out with, he is convinced that it would be met with criticism and resistance "everywhere in the surroundings, in the world, but especially here in Serbia."

"If you really want a solution, then you have to first win a referendum in your country. Because it is not my goal to say something to satisfy someone in the West, without coming to a solution, but to satisfy citizens of Serbia, but not in a way that citizens of Serbia are still not happy, but that they know well what their solution is, without being humiliated," said the president of Serbia.

In any case, he added, he would work on this solution "seriously, responsibly and bravely, with the desire to find it.".

"The only thing I'm sure is that it will not be painless for us Serbs," he concluded.

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