Albanians in south to set up "association of municipalities"

Bujanovac municipality President Nagip Arifi has announced a "constitutive session of an association of municipalities with Albanian majority."

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 10.09.2015.


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(Beta, file, illustration puposes)

Albanians in south to set up "association of municipalities"

Arifit told the Pristina-based KTV that ethnic Albanian councilors from Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja will meet on Saturday, and that "all Albanian councilors have been invited."

"The meeting will discuss the formation of an association of municipalities with Albanian majority, based on a political platform that was adopted in 2006 by Albanian councilors (from these municipalities," he said.

Asked about "the support they could receive from officials of Kosovo, Macedonia, and Albania," Arifi said that they had discussions with political subjects "in those countries."

According to Beta, he added that Saturday will be "a significant day for Albanians" in the three municipalities.

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