The list clearly showed: Serbia a convincing leader in the region

The magazine "Global Finance" published today a list of the safest countries in the world, in which Serbia is referred to as the safest country in the region.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 08.07.2021.


The list clearly showed: Serbia a convincing leader in the region
Ilustracija: Profimedia

The list clearly showed: Serbia a convincing leader in the region

Among 134 ranked countries, Serbia ranks 34th, while Slovenia ranks 47th, Romania 51st, Croatia 74th, Bulgaria 114th, Montenegro 121st, North Macedonia 125th, and Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 130th place.

The assessment of security in the country takes into account three basic factors.

These factors are war and peace, personal security and the risk of natural disasters, including the unique risk factors arising from COVID-19.

Each of these factors is based on the reports for 2020 that were made in 2021. The best ranked countries are in Europe and Asia. Of the top 20, nine countries are in Europe, and four are situated in northern Europe - Iceland, which is the safest country in the world, Finland in fifth place, Norway and Denmark follow, in seventh and eighth place.

The Philippines holds the last 134th place.

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