Media: Serbia sent Gendarmerie to Kosovo and Metohija?

The Pristina portal Reporters claims that members of the Serbian Gendarmerie were spotted entering the territory of Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 06.10.2020.


Media: Serbia sent Gendarmerie to Kosovo and Metohija?
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ Yarr65

Media: Serbia sent Gendarmerie to Kosovo and Metohija?

It is stated that it happened yesterday morning in the village of Kike in the municipality of Kamenica.

Reporters state that one of the residents of this village posted a video and a photo on social networks, with the message that the Serbian gendarmerie entered the area of the village at exactly 11.30 am, reports Kosovo online.

The portal states that it contacted the office of the mayor of Kamenica, Qendron Kastrati, who said that there was no official information about this case.

The text states that this is not the first time that the Serbian gendarmerie entered the territory of Kosovo and that the same thing happened last month, when, as they claim, the gendarmerie was seen in the village of Karacevo in the same municipality.

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