Vučić after the meeting: ''Either it will be accepted or it's the end'' VIDEO

A new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the EU, was completed in Brussels this evening at around 9 p.m.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 02.05.2023.


Vučić after the meeting: ''Either it will be accepted or it's the end'' VIDEO
Foto: Profimedia

Vučić after the meeting: ''Either it will be accepted or it's the end'' VIDEO

During the meeting, the Declaration on Missing Persons was adopted and the draft statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities was presented.

After the meeting, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the media.

"It is clear that Pristina does not want to fulfill its commitment from 10 years ago. It is clear to me and I knew that, but today we reached the wall for the first time. And it was clear from the moment when the draft was presented, their reaction after that was that it was unacceptable for them. Although in all the articles of the draft statute, there is a clear reference to previously agreed articles - said Vučić and added that there is not a single point in which something is mentioned that has not been signed yet," said President Vučić after the meeting.

When it comes to the situation after, as he said, the shameful elections in the north of Kosovo, the EU came out with its proposal.

"I accepted, Pristina refused. I think it is very important to overcome that situation," Vučić pointed out.

"I hope that in the next round there will be a reaction of some others who could influence the change of such attitudes, I am not an optimist, but I can promise that we will do everything to preserve peace and stability," said President Vučić.

As he says, he hopes that the talks will continue and that despite the fact that we have reached a wall, we will be able to find some solutions in the future. President Aleksandar Vučić also spoke about the proposal of the European Union.

"It is a proposal that concerns the situation after the election. You know that we will face a difficult situation in the coming days. Until the 28th, those who received 3.4% of the votes should need someone to break into the offices and occupy that space, to remove the flags of one and put up some others. You know what kind of risk it is and what kind of problems it brings. People in the EU know that too, that's why they offered a solution. Maybe I'll talk about it in two or three days, I accepted it, Pristina did not," said Vučić.

"Serbia has already accepted many things. What do you expect us to do? I expected to meet Demi Moore 25 years ago, but it didn't happen. That's how things develop," said Vučić, responding to journalist's statement in English that Kurti was expecting recognition of the so-called Kosovo.

"We need a responsible approach. We have to respect at least what we signed, twice," he added. As he says, the positive thing from today's meeting is that the Declaration on Missing Persons was discussed and adopted.

"We expect you to fulfill our demands regarding the excavation of sites where we think our people are buried," the president said.

After the talks, representatives of the Serbian delegation said that they experienced inconvenience from the Pristina delegation, and that the situation was very tense.

"We experienced a big inconvenience. Kurti and Bislimi kept throwing things, they didn't let us speak, if it weren't for President Vučić there would have been chaos. The first thing the president said when we entered the room, my colleague Belović and I, the president said: Where are my Serbian women from Serbian Kosovo and Metohija; there has been a total chaos, why is Kosovo and Metohija used, it is not part of Serbia.

They have been putting such pressure on the management team for the past two weeks. If the president had not entered the fight to protect us as women, above all, to give us the opportunity to present the hard work that went into the draft of the statute," said Danijela Vujičić, a member of the Management Team for the Community of Serbian Municipalities, after the talks in Brussels.

"I would like to use the opportunity to say that they adopt the text of the Declaration on Missing Persons," said Petar Petković, director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

"What is important is that before the adoption of the text of the declaration, a statement signed by President Aleksandar Vučić was also attached, which clarified important things regarding the term mentioned in the Declaration on missing persons. This statement confirms that we have protected the interests of the state of Serbia when it comes to this issue. For more than two years, the state of Serbia has been insisting on the adoption of this declaration. All the while, Pristina has been obstructing and does not want us to reach an agreement because it insists on the term "end force disappearance" which is a legal construct, i.e. a term defined in point 2 of the International Convention on Enforced Disappearance, and they deliberately insisted on the term so that Pristina could refer to it and demand Belgrade's responsibility when it comes to enforced disappearance. This is clearly underlined in this statement," said Petković.

As Petković said, the discussions on the CSM and other important issues continued. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met tonight, ahead of the new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.

"On the eve of the start of another difficult meeting in Brussels. The interests of Serbia and the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija are always and forever above everything," Vučić said on the Instagram account of buducnostsrbijeav.

According to reports, Borrell met Vučić in the building of the European Service for Foreign Affairs in Brussels. As announced by the European External Affairs Service (EEAS), there will be two topics on the table - the draft statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities and the Declaration on Missing Persons.

The focus, as they stated, will be on the implementation of the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and the parties are expected to support the Declaration on Missing Persons as the first item on the agenda, after which the first draft of the statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija will be presented.

They also stated in the statement that the two sides will have the opportunity to discuss other issues of political importance.

Kurti talked to Escobar

The Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, spoke today in Brussels with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

According to the reporter of Tanjug from Brussels, the two talked before the new round of high-level dialogue, which should start at 6 p.m.

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