The end of the drama at school: After the major operation, police made a statement

A major police operation took place at the school on the Linke Wienzeile in Vienna due to the suspicion that there is a student in possession of a firearm.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 04.03.2024.


The end of the drama at school: After the major operation, police made a statement
Foto: Profimedia

The end of the drama at school: After the major operation, police made a statement

According to the first information, the police closed the school and the building is being searched.

The police closed the school and, after searching the premises, they found that the student had a toy gun, after the police received a report that the student had a firearm.

The students had to barricade themselves in the classrooms or they were not allowed to enter the school building, the Austrian portal Puls 24 reported.

The Viennese police and special units were previously called to the Vocational School in Linke Wienzeile after a report that there was a student with a weapon in the school.

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