Ukrainian army with a critical problem

The Ukrainian army is in desperate need of younger recruits, as the average age of soldiers is over 40, said Commander Oleksiy Tarasenko.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 15.01.2024.


Ukrainian army with a critical problem
Foto: Profimedia

Speaking to Espresso TV on Sunday, Tarasenko said it was "strange and confusing" to hear that some people doubted the need for another mobilization.

Ukrainian army with a critical problem

"Even those who arrive, they are not the best choice. Mostly, those are mostly older men with many problems that usually arise."

The army desperately needs "younger men" because those who joined the army at the very beginning of the conflict have mostly "left", he said and added that the average age of soldiers is over 40.

Tarasenko's remarks came after the parliament asked the government for further revisions to a much-debated bill that would expand the number of men available for conscription. The proposed legislation would lower the maximum age from 27 to 25, limit deferrals, and increase penalties for draft evasion. Critics say the bill contains provisions that violate the Constitution and pave the way for corruption.

Last month, President Vladimir Zelensky revealed that the army had requested the mobilization of between 450,000 and 500,000 people. Valery Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine's top general, however, denied that the army was looking for a specific number of new fighters. Nevertheless, the situation prompted the authorities to consider options for replenishing battlefield losses, including the introduction of electronic call-ups, and to investigate the conscription of women.

The governor of Mykolaiv region, Valery Kim, warned that recruiting half a million people "is not enough" and that Ukraine should hire at least 2 million.

Ukraine never discloses the number of victims. According to Russian estimates, some 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded during the conflict, including 125,000 during Kyiv's failed counteroffensive from early June to late November.

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