"We sent the Serbian state a message - we can still bomb you"

Military analyst and senior adviser to former US President Donald Trump, retired colonel Douglas McGregor, believes that a wrong status quo is created in Kosovo

Izvor: Kosovo online

Thursday, 08.06.2023.


EPA-EFE/ US AIR FORCE - HO/Ilustracija

"We sent the Serbian state a message - we can still bomb you"

Military analyst and senior adviser to former US President Donald Trump, retired colonel Douglas McGregor, believes that a wrong status quo has been created in Kosovo.

Such a status, he believes, cannot be maintained without the presence of foreign military forces, the Kosovo online writing of Serbian Radio Chicago reports.

McGregor, who was a participant in the events in the so-called Kosovo under the direct command of Wesley Clark in the 90s, pointed out that the proposal from Rambouillet on the division of the so-called Kosovo was then rejected.

"The solution that would divide Kosovo, especially the part that is inhabited almost exclusively by Serbs along the Serbian border, with the commission to then relocate additional Serbian citizens from other parts of Kosovo, with the costs borne by the international community, was of course rejected. The Germans were quite willing to give money, to create a community that everyone could get along with," McGregor says.

He adds that the actors at the top of the current administration are the same as in the nineties.

"From 1995 to 2000, we see some of the same personalities who were younger then, and now they've become older, but it's the same problem, so we have something that is a permanent wound that won't heal," adds McGregor.

He claims that there is an unwillingness in the West to accept the fact that the Muslim Albanian regime in Pristina wants to manage the entire so-called Kosovo and imposes itself on the Serbian population, and states that, of course, the Serbs, as Orthodox Christians, do not allow this.

"The division of territory occurs when someone in power, in other words, various representatives sit down and say - if we don't come up with some kind of partition, we will have another war. We understand that division is not a permanent solution, but it is the best we can do at the moment, and it would buy us time," he said.

He added that there must be a willingness to do something that the Serbian leadership must think about and look at some solution that is imperfect, but not permanent, that can result in some kind of division, and that decision can be revised later when good reasons are created for it.

"The commission must guarantee that the property belonging to the Orthodox Church will not be damaged and will not be desecrated, and will be treated as international historical monuments, because these are the beginnings of what we are thinking about today in the world of early Christianity," he says.

McGregor states that there is no perfect solution, but there is also a transitional one.

"The war is not a pleasant experience for the Serbs and everyone in Yugoslavia knows that. Then you have us, America, we got involved wrongly in a big way. We talked about the B1B bombers flying over Bosnia the other day, that it was basically some kind of signal to the Serbian state that we are still here and that we can still bomb you, which I think is terrible, because even in the 90s most of us thought it was a great shame", he says.

Commenting on the moves of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, McGregor notes that Kurti currently feels that he has the wind at his back, especially due to the events in Ukraine, but that he may soon find that the wind has disappeared.

"There are many people who notice the large amount of weapons that Kurti has and receives, which were initially shipped to Ukraine, and appeared in Kosovo, and then are transferred somewhere else, into the hands of people that we in the West would not want to arm, so he has to think again about what he's doing right now and if he has support," McGregor points out.

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