European Court ruling rejected: "Blackmail"

Poland rejected the ruling of European Court of Justice (ECJ), according to which this country must pay one million euros a day, considering it blackmail.


Wednesday, 27.10.2021.


European Court ruling rejected:
Foto: Depositphotos/InkDropCreative

European Court ruling rejected: "Blackmail"

"The ECJ completely ignores the Polish Constitution and the rulings of the Constitutional Court," Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.

He emphasized that the European Court exceeds its powers.

"It is another phase in the operation to deprive Poland of its influence on the political system of our country, it is usurpation and blackmail," Kaleta writes.

The Supreme European Court on Wednesday ordered Poland to pay one million euros a day due to the country's long-running dispute with the European Union over the independence of the judiciary.

Today's ruling by the European Court of Justice came after the EU's executive, the European Commission, called for "financial penalties" to ensure Poland complied with the European Court's ruling in July. The court said that the punishment was necessary in order to avoid serious and irreparable damage to the legal order of the European Union and the values ​​on which the union is based, especially the rule of law.

European Commission, which monitors compliance with European law, wants the Luxembourg-based court to impose daily fines on Poland until it acts to improve the functioning of the Polish Supreme Court and repeal laws it considers to undermine the independence of the judiciary.

The main point of contention is the disciplinary commission of the Supreme Court, a body that gives the ruling party the authority to discipline judges in favor of the government.

In July, the European Court of Justice ordered the abolition of the disciplinary commission, but it is still functioning. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the European Parliament last week that the commission would be abolished, but did not give a precise time frame.

Observers say a draft law abolishing the disciplinary commission has not yet been introduced. EU members have been warning for years about what they consider a violation of democratic principles in Poland when it comes to the independence of the judiciary or the freedom of the media.

The conflict erupted again earlier this month when the Polish Constitutional Court ruled that Polish laws take precedence over European ones in fields where the two sides clash. Morawiecki sought the opinion of the Constitutional Court.

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