
Clashes in the Gaza Strip have continued today. In the past 12 hours, about 200 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, the Israeli army announced.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 20.05.2021.




However, a ceasefire was announced.

US President Joe Biden today encouraged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "ease" tensions in the Gaza conflict, which would lead to a ceasefire. On the other hand, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that he was "determined to continue with this operation" until peace and security are established for the Israeli citizens.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will travel to Israel tomorrow and will also visit the Palestinian territory.

Gaza medical officials said six people had been killed in the latest attacks by Israeli forces, and that 227 Palestinians had been killed since the outbreak of the conflicts on May 10. Of these, 64 were children, 38 women and 17 older men. 1620 was wounded. The Israeli army announced on Wednesday that about 150 militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been killed in Israeli attacks since Wednesday afternoon.

Israel is assessing whether the conditions have been met to stop the military campaign against Palestinian extremists in the Gaza Strip, but at the same time, it is preparing to continue the air strike in the coming days if necessary, an Israeli military source said.

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