Total chaos in Serbia: Streets flooded, cars under water; Police help citizens VIDEO

A severe storm hit Serbia, in some parts it rained, and numerous streets were flooded.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 17.05.2023.


Total chaos in Serbia: Streets flooded, cars under water; Police help citizens VIDEO

Total chaos in Serbia: Streets flooded, cars under water; Police help citizens VIDEO

Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, due to the consequences of rainfall, intervened in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, the municipality of Beočin, Sremski Karlovci, Zrenjanin, Šabac, Ruma and Valjevo.

Firefighters-rescuers evacuated two people from the roof of a flooded car in Partizanska Street in Novi Sad and another person in Koceljeva, where several buildings were flooded.

There are currently no endangered persons, and members of the Department for Emergency Situations are engaged in pumping water from basement rooms in Ruma, Čerević, Žablje, Sremski Karlovci, and Zrenjanin.

Ten houses were flooded in Koceljeva, as well as in Valjevska Loznica, where water entered the basement of a bar.

Šid after the storm

"During the evening in the west of Serbia, in Srem, parts of Bačka, northern and central Banat, local occurrence of strong thunder showers with a large amount of precipitation, in some places even hail, and strong wind is expected for a short time in the zone of heavy showers," reads the emergency warning of Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ).

Along with extreme downpours, there is also abundant hail in the west of Srem, which is carried by stormy winds.

This is what the surroundings of Šid looked like after the storm.
A little after 19:00, a very stormy storm hit Novi Sad.

In Patriarch Pavle Boulevard in Novi Sad, buses and cars were stuck in the "river" that flooded the street.

Parts of Kragujevac were also affected by a violent storm.

Earlier it was announced that a very strong thunderstorm system with heavy showers and strong electrical discharge was approaching Šid.

Another strong thunderstorm system will affect the wider area of Kopaonik, with heavy showers and thunderstorms.

In the afternoon, there will be stronger showers with thunder in the area of Kraljevo, but also in Topola, Bačka Palanka, Kragujevac and Aranđelovac.
This thunderstorm system will move in the afternoon towards the northwest and in the next two hours it could bring showers with thunder to the southwestern and southern outskirts of Belgrade.

According to meteorologists, the influence of cyclones from the central Mediterranean is responsible for this instability.

The storm hit the surroundings of Novi Sad and Blace

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