Concentration of ammonia in Nišava high; Children return to schools and kindergartens

Schools and kindergartens in Pirot start working from today, City Headquarters for Emergency Situations, headed by the mayor of Pirot, Vladan Vasić, decided.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 28.12.2022.


Concentration of ammonia in Nišava high; Children return to schools and kindergartens

Concentration of ammonia in Nišava high; Children return to schools and kindergartens

The decision was made based on the latest reports from the Institute for Public Health "Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut" and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The decision does not apply only to the three rural schools located near the accident site, namely the schools in Stanicenje, Sopot and Crvenčevo.

"The report stated that there is no risk to public health and that the population of Pirot can continue with their usual daily activities, which includes work and school duties," the statement of the headquarters states.

The city headquarters for emergency situations decided yesterday to cancel the New Year's Eve celebration on the square in the city center, where the popular band Neverne bebe was supposed to perform. The Ceremonial Academy on the occasion of City Day was also cancelled. The concert was postponed for the Serbian New Year's Eve.

Increased concentration of ammonia in Nišava

Ministry of Environmental Protection announced that the Nišava River has increased concentrations of ammonia at the sampling location 100 meters downstream from the bridge near Prosek, on the Pirot-Niš main road.

According to the published recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Serbia, Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut, due to the increased concentration of ammonia in Nišava, for preventive reasons, drinking water from individual wells next to the river Nišava must not be used for drinking and food preparation. Its use for the purpose of recreation, fishing and other activities in its immediate vicinity is excluded. As stated in the announcement, no change in the organoleptic properties of the water in Nišava was observed during the sampling at that location (water color, water smell and visible waste materials).

"The obtained values of general physical and chemical parameters, such as pH value, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, percentage of water saturation with oxygen, nitrites, nitrates, orthophosphates, chlorides and sulfates, corresponded to the prescribed limit values for I and II class of surface water quality. The value of ammonia nitrogen measured (which amounts to 1.95 mg/l) corresponded to the fifth class of surface water quality," the ministry said in a statement. The Ministry of Environmental Protection, together with the Environmental Protection Agency, continuously monitors the situation regarding the quality of water in the Nišava River.

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