Serbia is slowly disappearing...

The results of the population, household and apartment census in Serbia should be published today.

Izvor: Blic

Wednesday, 21.12.2022.


Serbia is slowly disappearing...

Serbia is slowly disappearing...

According to the director of the Republican Bureau of Statistics, Miladin Kovačević, a control of the scope of the census was carried out, which was otherwise extended, and which is better than the traditional one due to the advantages of digital registers.

"Thanks to the Law on Statistics, we have the right to use records, such as the register of social insurance providers, the central and administrative population register, tax records, as well as the records of the National Employment Service. The records make it possible to create a statistical population register and then work on comparison - whether a person is listed or not", Kovačević explained earlier for RTS.

Blic, however, reminds that the census in Serbia had extensions, because not all citizens of several cities and municipalities were enumerated on October 31. An extension of up to a week was made in certain city municipalities in Belgrade, such as Zvezdara and Mladenovac, then in Užice, Valjevo, Smederevo, Pančevo, Šabac, Novi Sad, Subotica and Novi Pazar.

In the first days of November, telephone duty was organized in the Republican Bureau of Statistics, and local self-governments so that citizens who, for whatever reason, were not enumerated could contact the on-duty enumerator.

The estimates were, as announced by the Republican Bureau of Statistics, that by the end of October more than 6.3 million inhabitants, over 2.4 million households and around 3.4 million apartments had been registered, but according to the words of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, after the completion of this large operation, expects that there are 6.7 million people in Serbia.

Nevertheless, the preliminary results of the census, as announced in early November, show that 6.5 million people live in Serbia, which means that there are about 700,000 fewer of us than in 2011, when the previous census was conducted and when 7.2 million citizens were enumerated.

In addition, the United Nations estimate is that by 2050 there will be only about five million of us and that we are one of the five oldest nations in Europe.

The facts confirm that more than 1.2 million of our inhabitants are over 65 years old, that the average Serbian family has 1.5 children, and that the number of inhabitants in Serbia decreases by about 30,000 on annual basis.

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