"Shield 2022" to be held tomorrow at the airport in Batajnica; Vučić will attend

Tomorrow, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will attend military exercise of the Serbian Army entitled "Shield 2022", at the military airport in Batajnica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 29.04.2022.



"Shield 2022" to be held tomorrow at the airport in Batajnica; Vučić will attend

Tomorrow, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will attend the display of the Serbian Army "Shield 2022" at the military airport "Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović" in Batajnica.

Tomorrow, at the military airport "Colonel - Pilot Milenko Pavlovic" in Batajnica, the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army will organize a demonstration of the capabilities of the Serbian military forces called "Shield 2022", and visitors will be able to see weapons and military equipment in a static and dynamic display, said the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, Milan Mojsilovic.

"Citizens will be able to approach, get information, learn more about everything that has been procured in the last period, from some new systems to those systems that the Serbian Army already has, but are in the process of modernization," General Mojsilovic said for RTS.

Visitors will be able to come to the airport "Colonel - pilot Milenko Pavlović" in Batajnica tomorrow at 8:30 a.m., while the program starts at 11:00 a.m.

The exhibited military equipment will be on display until 3 p.m. Dozens of aircraft are expected to participate, as well as more than 300 weapons and military equipment.

General Mojsilović points out that the static presentation is divided into two groups - one group refers to weapons and military equipment that are in operational use, and the other group to military equipment that is in development.

"When we talk about the dynamic display, through a dozen scenarios, we will show a part of the operational capabilities of the Serbian Army, in the airspace, using all types of planes and aircraft available to the Serbian Army," said the Chief of General Staff.

It was also pointed out that it will be a good opportunity to show, in coordination and cooperation with members of the land army, part of the capabilities of not only the 63rd Parachute Brigade and the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, but also hunting and fighter-bomber aircraft.

"There will also be a helicopter landing, and it will end with an air parade and a demo jump of members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade," General Mojsilović announced. The audience will be able to approach the new helicopters, but also to see up close what the special brigades of the Serbian Army can do. They will show the new elements that they apply in their regular training at the military airport in Batajnica.

Visitors will also be able to see the Chinese medium-range missile system - the latest weapon received by the Serbian Army, which will be in the air defense system of the territory and thanks to which, according to General Mojsilovic, Serbian airspace will be fully secured and safe.

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