Growing number of people infected with coronavirus; Loncar presented the report VIDEO

Today, Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, presented the results of the work of the Commission for the Analysis of Deaths Caused by Coronavirus.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 30.06.2021.


Growing number of people infected with coronavirus; Loncar presented the report VIDEO

Growing number of people infected with coronavirus; Loncar presented the report VIDEO

According to the latest information, 104 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Serbia.

Four people died.

There are 12 patients on the respirator, and 293 people are in hospital.

In the last 24 hours, 8.397 people were tested.

As a reminder, 73 newly infected people were registered on Tuesday, while 8.864 people were tested. Four deaths were registered on Tuesday, while there were seven people on respirators.

Earlier today, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, presented the results of the work of the Commission for the Analysis of Deaths Caused by Coronavirus.

"At this moment, we cannot claim that someone died of COVID. In order to claim that, you have to do an autopsy. For all these people who passed away, we have not had any autopsy done," Loncar said.

He explained the 10.356 death toll in 2020 could be related to the coronavirus. He stated that 64.6 percent of those people had associated diseases that were serious, Lončar pointed out and stated that lessons must be learned from this experience for some future pandemics.

He pointed out that in the period from 2016 to 2019, the highest mortality rate was in December 2019. According to these data, as he pointed out, the increased mortality is about 70 percent, while in other countries, e.g. in Bulgaria, 75.8 percent.

As previously announced, the analysis included deaths regardless of whether people were positive or negative to COVID test.

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