Danube Day 2014 campaign to aid flood victims

The Danube Day campaign will this year be aimed at raising funds for the flood-affected regions, the organizers announced on Monday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 30.06.2014.


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Danube Day 2014 campaign to aid flood victims

All the media engaged in the campaign will aim to motivate the citizens to continue donating funds by sending text messages to the number 1003.

The Danube flows through Serbia in the length of 588 kilometers and as much as 90 percent of the country's territory belongs to its river basin. For that reason it is imperative for the citizens to know how important it is to protect the Danube river basin, which is home to more than 80 million people, and to personally contribute to the preservation of the second longest river in Europe, a statement said.

Over the past ten years, the message pointing to the importance of preservation and protection of rivers for the benefit of people and the environment have reached around 3,000,000 people, and the campaign is supported by more than 350 partners in the government, NGO and the private sector.

Campaign organizers announced that they will jointly build an educational eco-park in Obrenovac, in order to help the communities affected by the May floods return to normal as quickly as possible.

Having in mind the need to protect rivers and use water resources in a rational manner, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Coca-Cola System also launched a project named “Caravan for a living Danube”.

The Caravan, which will tour cities across Serbia, has already visited Nis, Belgrade and Novi Sad, and the final event will take place in Sombor on July 3.

In addition to Serbia, the Caravan will visit 21 more sites in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania by the end of summer 2015.

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