"Corruption in Serbian health care institutionalized"

Corruption in the Serbian health care system specific because it is institutionalized and developed in a hermetic system, a visiting official has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 01.07.2011.


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Corruption in the Serbian health care system specific because it is institutionalized and developed in a hermetic system, a visiting official has said. About 2.5 million people are believed to suffer its negative effects, European Healthcare Fraud & Corruption Network President Paul Wincke said on Thursday. "Corruption in Serbian health care institutionalized" The institutionalization of corruption in health care and its development in a closed system make it even more difficult to fight it, which should be one of the priorities of every country, Wincke said a round table Corruption in health care and Serbia's European integration. Wincke pointed out informal forms of payment, that is, additional forms of payment for health care services which should be free, had a catastrophic effect on the Serbian health care system. One part of such payments is institutionalized and has become formal, he explained. Another characteristic of the Serbian health care system is that inefficiency in the public system is intentionally institutionalized so that the private sector would benefit, which, Wincke believes, again negatively affects patients. Serbian Health Minister Zoran Stankovic said, on taking office, that one of the main priorities was rooting out corruption in the sector.

"Corruption in Serbian health care institutionalized"

The institutionalization of corruption in health care and its development in a closed system make it even more difficult to fight it, which should be one of the priorities of every country, Wincke said a round table Corruption in health care and Serbia's European integration.

Wincke pointed out informal forms of payment, that is, additional forms of payment for health care services which should be free, had a catastrophic effect on the Serbian health care system.

One part of such payments is institutionalized and has become formal, he explained.

Another characteristic of the Serbian health care system is that inefficiency in the public system is intentionally institutionalized so that the private sector would benefit, which, Wincke believes, again negatively affects patients.

Serbian Health Minister Zoran Stanković said, on taking office, that one of the main priorities was rooting out corruption in the sector.

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