Anniversary of WW2 Novi Sad massacre

The 68th anniversary of the Novi Sad Raid was marked today, remembering more than 1,300 Serbs, Jews and Romas massacred by Hungarian fascists.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 21.01.2010.


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The 68th anniversary of the Novi Sad Raid was marked today, remembering more than 1,300 Serbs, Jews and Romas massacred by Hungarian fascists. Delegations of the Vojvodina assembly, the city of Novi Sad and several political parties placed wreaths at the memorial on the banks of the Danube River. Anniversary of WW2 Novi Sad massacre The Jewish community and the Serbian Orthodox Church organized spiritual memorials for the victims. The raids, which rounded up the town’s Serbs, Jews and Romas, lasted from January 21 until January 23, 1941. The occupying Hungarian forces formed 240 patrols for this purpose. Those gathered in this way were taken to the bank of the Danube to be killed. Their bodies were then thrown under the ice of the frozen river. The massacre took place in what is now known as Strand – a spot on the Danube used as a beach during summer months. The Memorial Association Racija 1242 (Raid 1942), has called on authorities to mark the actual spot of the murders as well, and noted that many Novi Sad residents are unaware that their favorite bathing location saw more than 1,300 people perish 68 years ago. The raids of January 1942, however, were not conducted only in Novi Sad, but also in the Sajkacka area and the town of Stari Becej. A total of 4,000 people were killed, many of them women, children and elderly. People gather to honor the victims of the Novi Sad massacre in Novi Sad today (Beta)

Anniversary of WW2 Novi Sad massacre

The Jewish community and the Serbian Orthodox Church organized spiritual memorials for the victims.

The raids, which rounded up the town’s Serbs, Jews and Romas, lasted from January 21 until January 23, 1941.

The occupying Hungarian forces formed 240 patrols for this purpose. Those gathered in this way were taken to the bank of the Danube to be killed.

Their bodies were then thrown under the ice of the frozen river.

The massacre took place in what is now known as Štrand – a spot on the Danube used as a beach during summer months.

The Memorial Association Racija 1242 (Raid 1942), has called on authorities to mark the actual spot of the murders as well, and noted that many Novi Sad residents are unaware that their favorite bathing location saw more than 1,300 people perish 68 years ago.

The raids of January 1942, however, were not conducted only in Novi Sad, but also in the Šajkačka area and the town of Stari Bečej. A total of 4,000 people were killed, many of them women, children and elderly.

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