Serbia is ready: Emergency phone line introduced

The Ministry of Health has announced that a phone line 064 / 8945-235 has been introduced to prevent coronavirus

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 25.01.2020.


Serbia is ready: Emergency phone line introduced
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/AndrewLozovyi

Serbia is ready: Emergency phone line introduced

The Ministry has introduced a phone line that can be reached by all citizens if they have any symptoms of respiratory infections or suspected respiratory infections coming from the Chinese city of Wuhan and other areas affected by the virus.

"Given the expected increased influx of people from the area due to the Chinese New Year celebrations, the Ministry of Health has decided to introduce this special medical emergency line", the statement said.

Immediately upon someone call this number, emergency medical teams, fully equipped, will assist and transport a person who has previously resided in the area covered by the coronavirus to the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, where observation and complete diagnostics will be carried out, as well as further treatment if it is required.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes on this occasion that the state of Serbia has taken all necessary measures in a timely manner to prevent the appearance of coronavirus in our country, thermal imaging cameras have been set up at airports, necessary reagents have been provided to confirm the virus, and by introducing a special telephone line 064 / 8945-235, prevention activities continue.

Accordingly, given the World Health Organization (WHO) information on the spread and mortality rate of coronavirus so far, there is no reason to panic and alarm the citizens, and the Ministry of Health will continue to monitor further developments on a daily basis and take all necessary precautions, it is concluded in a statement.

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