Police search for Mladić fruitless

War Crimes Trial Chamber confirmed a police action aimed at capturing Ratko Mladić took place in Belgrade Late Tuesday.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 16.05.2007.


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Police search for Mladić fruitless

However, no arrests were made, Ljajić confirmed.

The War Crimes Chamber corroborated that police was given orders to raid an object in downtown Belgrade, a suspected hideout of war crimes fugitive Ratko Mladić. However, the Chamber confirmed that police did not found Mladić or any other Hague fugitive in the object.

The object in question is a military hotel situated in Deligradska Street.

The action came after Serbia's war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević addressed the press Tuesday hinting at progress in the hunt for Ratko Mladić.

He said the search for the Bosnian Serb wartime military commander "had not stopped for even a moment...which you'll soon be able to see."

Tadić: Mladić will be arrested if in Serbia

President Boris Tadić has said that Hague fugitive Ratko Mladić will be arrested if confirmed he is hiding in Serbia.

“If Mladić was not hiding in Serbia, we would offer sound proof to substantiate that claim,” Tadić told the press commenting on Tuesday’s attempt to arrest the war crimes fugitive.

Tadić said that day-to-day comprehensive actions to locate and apprehend the remaining Hague defendants were being executed.

“Serbia’s obligations towards the Hague Tribunal are set as a precondition for the resumption of the European integration. We will do everything in our power to successfully meet the Tribunal’s demands,” Tadić stressed.

“Stalling the process and failing to co-operate with the Hague would be very dangerous and counterproductive, and might irrevocably alienate Serbia from its EU prospects,” he said

Tadić added that Serbia would never give up on Kosovo, as it would also never abandon its goal of becoming a full-fledged EU member.

“Serbia, including Kosovo, is a part of European security and political interests, which is why we regard Europe as our home,” Tadić concluded.

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