B92 Fund’s campaign wins international award

A campaign dubbed, “A photo a day in the worst year of my life” has won a bronze award at PIAF Festival in Prague.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 23.05.2013.


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PRAGUE A campaign dubbed, “A photo a day in the worst year of my life” has won a bronze award at PIAF Festival in Prague. The campaign was produced by the B92 Fund, Saatchi&Saatchi and Direct Media PR, with the support of iPyro. B92 Fund’s campaign wins international award A viral video created for the campaign against domestic violence won the bronze award in the media engagement category. 360 projects from 24 countries competed for the ward. The jury members were prominent individuals from the advertizing field and representatives of the largest European companies. This is the first international award for the campaign that was launched two months ago when the viral video showing the escalation of domestic violence was posted on YouTube. The video attracted attention in both Serbia and abroad and launched a debate on domestic violence. The video has so far been viewed by more than five million people on YouTube. B92

B92 Fund’s campaign wins international award

A viral video created for the campaign against domestic violence won the bronze award in the media engagement category. 360 projects from 24 countries competed for the ward.

The jury members were prominent individuals from the advertizing field and representatives of the largest European companies.

This is the first international award for the campaign that was launched two months ago when the viral video showing the escalation of domestic violence was posted on YouTube. The video attracted attention in both Serbia and abroad and launched a debate on domestic violence.

The video has so far been viewed by more than five million people on YouTube.

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