Man arrested in possession of original Dayton Agreement

Zeljko Kuntos, who was arrested on Tuesday in possession of the original Dayton Agreement, was offering this document for sale for about 50,000 euros.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 01.11.2017.


Man arrested in possession of original Dayton Agreement
The signing of the Dayton Peace Accord (file)

Man arrested in possession of original Dayton Agreement

The media in the Muslim-Croat entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH), recalled that beside this, "many other important documents disappeared from state institutions."

The Sarajevo-based website Klix said it was still unknown "whose version" of the peace agreement that in 1995 ended the war in Bosnia was discovered by the police of the Serb entity, the Serb Republic (RS), during the search of Kuntos' house.

The RS Interior Ministry (MUP) said they could not provide any more details about the police operation, and said the entity police will issue a press release.

The story about the disappearance of the Bosnia-Herzegovina copy of the Dayton Peace Agreement emerged in 2008, when the original document was found to be missing from the BiH Presidency Archive in Sarajevo.

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