Women MPs from region work together for more equality

Women parliament members from 12 countries of Southeastern Europe signed at the Serbian parliament on Tuesday a memorandum of cooperation.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 03.03.2015.


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Women MPs from region work together for more equality

Obradovic told reportes after the end of a two-day conference that the participants had agreed to work together in the future on new laws and their implementation, all in order to bring more gender equality.

"We will have joint legislation initiatives, but also an idea in the battle against violence that targets women, economic empowerment for women and incentives to raise the number of women in politics. We will invest maximum energy to improve the situation concerning gender equality in Southeastern Europe," Obradovic stated.

It is up to the women MPs of Southeastern Europe to work on adopting new laws and monitoring their implementation in order to raise the level of gender equality, she pointed out.

The Southeastern Europe women MPs' conference was held at the Serbian parliament on Monday and Tuesday under the title Equal and Empowered - Together We Are Stronger and it had 50 participants from 12 countries.

According to Obradovic, the next meeting is scheduled for Tirana next fall.

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