It was decided: New elections in Belgrade

At the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, which began today at 12 o'clock, it was decided to go to new Belgrade elections.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 02.03.2024.


It was decided: New elections in Belgrade

It was decided: New elections in Belgrade

Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party decided to hold new elections for the Assembly of Belgrade, SNS told Tanjug.

The session of the Presidency of the SNS started today around noon in the premises of the party, which, as it was announced, was closed to the public.

The decision was unanimous, said Šapić, there were no abstentions either.

Tomorrow the campaign will start and the exact date of the elections will be discussed later.

"These elections are much more than the Belgrade elections. That's why we will approach them in the most serious way possible," Šapić concluded.

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