Radulović is furious: We have been under brutal attacks from Djilas' list for days

Saša Radulović strongly responded to Marinika Tepić's accusations, writes "Alo.rs".

Izvor: Alo.rs

Monday, 04.12.2023.


Radulović is furious: We have been under brutal attacks from Djilas' list for days
Foto: Milos Tesic/ATAImages

Radulović is furious: We have been under brutal attacks from Djilas' list for days

To Marinika Tepić's accusation that a member of the election commission found one forged signature for the list of Saša Radulović and Boris Tadić, Radulović responded.

"Well, you had a problem with 200 signatures in Novi Pazar! We have always supported the opposition electoral lists, and on the other side there was a brutal attack by that Djilas coalition that attacked us for days! It's like they are checking us and here they have a problem with 200 signatures in Novi Pazar! It seems that our list bothers you," said Radulović.

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