Vučić: There will be no other elections till 2027, we seal our destiny on December 17

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke about all the most current topics, elections, Kosovo and Metohija, wage growth, road construction.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.11.2023.


Vučić: There will be no other elections till 2027, we seal our destiny on December 17

Vučić: There will be no other elections till 2027, we seal our destiny on December 17

At the very beginning, Vučić, hosted on TV Tanjug, looked back on 30 years on the Serbian political scene.

"I remember that back in 1993 I was at a forum in Block 60, as a spectator. It was in the midst of Jens's plan and the fierce attack of the Socialists on the Radicals. I said, as a kid, I want to support it, and that's how it started," revealed Vučić .

When asked how he sees journalism in Serbia today, Vučić said that he would react similarly today.

"When they bring me some news, journalists and editors contact me, they say 'social networks are burning', you have to speak up. I need to think carefully, whatever is going on, I can't immediately respond to every word," said Vučić, recalling recent media attacks on his family.

"They said this and that about my father, they said I was a murderer, I can't remember who I 'killed'. For three years, they said without interruption that I was the main actor in the 'Jovanjica' affair without proof. Still, it is not clear how someone could have invented all that," said Vučić.

He added that everything will fall into place in the end.

About opponents in the campaign

Answering the question of who is his opponent in the campaign, he pointed out that he sees a sign of equality between the Serbia Against Violence list and all the others.

"I am not fighting against anyone, but to help the 'Serbia must not stop' list. I am doing this openly, transparently, honorably and honestly, not hiding behind anyone, I am not hiding behind anyone. I put myself forward because these are crucial elections, decisive. It is terribly important how it will end. There will be no other elections until 2027, and we determine our fate on December 17. This is not a fatalistic approach, but an objective assessment of the situation," he said.

He pointed out that we determine whether the country will grow safely and in a stable way, and not on the basis of hasty political decisions.

"As it was until 2012, when we had 500,000 unemployed. So, when you look at it all, I always give one example. Look at how our friends from the north of Africa live, even though they have more oil than the Emirates. Five times more oil. And look at what Abu Dhabi looks like, and what a country in the north of Africa looks like," he said.

He said that the point is always in leadership and vision. Vučić pointed out that our problem is that in one period of socialism we had big dreams, and then we quickly stopped dreaming.

"We quickly got into leveling and survival. We got into this with big dreams! It was impossible to build a road through the Grdelica gorge. Bismarck didn't build those 28 kilometers, we did. Others could too, but they didn't dream that type of dreams. They wanted to increase the salary by 2 dinars, to please someone. They did not look at the long term. That vision and those dreams you dream are of key importance," Vučić said.

He added that a large number of roads are being built, which will drastically increase the standard of citizens and attract investors.

About Kosovo and Metohija

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said this evening that European leaders asked him several times to sign the recognition of Kosovo.

"You know, you see some abnormal phenomena on the political scene, like when they say that they received information from Brussels that I will recognize Kosovo. And you all know that they did not receive that information from Brussels. I told Macron, Meloni, Scholz, Lajcak and Borrell that recognizing Kosovo is out of the question. They openly ask when I will sign these documents, I told everyone the same," Vučić pointed out and added:

"Aleksandar, you have this option, do you want to sign," Vučić reveals what the European leaders asked of him.

"These are not threats, but I understand very well that we can face serious consequences. But I would be lying if I said that these are threats, they do not use inappropriate language. They have their own agenda, although we have good personal relations".

About attacks on the family

Vučić said that there is a difference between legal issues and attacks on the family.

"Questions about property ownership are questions for all of us, it is not swept under the carpet. But family members, who is your mother, who is your father, that should not be done. That is an essential difference in politics. I can't even say what they said about my mother," said Vučić.

He added that he never heard anything bad about his mother from anyone.

"Today they continued with that. They say Andrej appeared at a meeting of a local committee. Andrej constantly goes to local committees, that's what he likes the most. And they ask if this is a signal that Vučić is scared. And you stop and don't believe your ears. Tomorrow it's Danilo's turn, and then it will happen again that I killed or wounded someone," he said.

Vučić points out that he and his father are "difficult people", and that they do not exchange emotions, and that they rarely shed a tear.

"We love each other a lot and we stick together, but that crying... I called my mother, she asked me how I was, I told her 'ask the younger one you love more', and that's how we ended the conversation. With us, it's a matter of substance, not form," he said.

About the electoral coalition

Vučić pointed out that there is no coalition with the SRS, since they do not agree with their policy, but it is a matter of solving things locally.

"And they have a different policy than some other parties, so they want to join them in the government. You tell me that Zigmanov is worried, and here he is in the chair, in the government. He is struggling with all the chauffeurs and secretaries. Unlike others, we don't have a common policy, that's why we separated. And when Djilas had power in Stari Grad four or five years ago thanks to the radicals, Bastać would not have been the president of Stari Grad Municipality without Šešelj," Vučić reminded.

He added that local elections are one thing, and central elections are another.

"If they are honest people, I don't have a problem with that. With them, everything is about tricks, they have no other policy. They will not explain what they will do for the citizens, but will talk about persecuting them, harassing them. Everything is copy-pasted, from every campaign. We saw two on the corner following us. And so, the same every time, everyone knows you're making it up," he said.

"Is it fair, it's up to the citizens to decide. I know that the fake Europeans will go with the Ljotić family. It doesn't matter whether you vote for Jovanović or Djilas, it's all a vote for Djilas," he said and added: "A vote for any of them goes into the basket of Dragan Djilas. You know. And people must know that. If you want to vote for Djilas, you can either vote for his list, or for his daughter-parties, as he has daughter-companies." Vucic said.

He pointed out that a vote for him is unequivocally a vote for the "Serbia must not stop" list.

About the importance of the upcoming elections

Regarding whether he is a pessimist or a well-informed pessimist, Vučić says that genes are a miracle.

"I saw that with my little son. Whenever you ask him how the match between Red Star and Leipzig will end, he says we will lose. Same as me. He has learned to hope it will be different, and if it is, then great. And if nothing else, then he expected it. And, so did I. They invested a billion against me in a hate campaign, printed millions of pages against me. It's only logical that we're favorites, and people get bored. I just wish people would appreciate the achievements, and to see the future," he said. He pointed out that elections are not a small matter, and that it is not an unimportant question as we are choosing the future for our children and grandchildren.

"You influence the future of this country with your vote, and I think that people must know that. Even tonight I did not speak badly about political opponents, but I fought with all my strength for the list "Serbia must not stop". And I will do my best that list, because of its plan, higher salaries and pensions, will win. We have forgotten that we have never had a stable exchange rate of our currency in history. People get used to good things easily," he said.

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