It was repeated, very clearly: Kurti, fulfill the agreement

The U.S. Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier, repeated today that the position of the USA has not changed after the agreement in Ohrid.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 20.03.2023.


It was repeated, very clearly: Kurti, fulfill the agreement

It was repeated, very clearly: Kurti, fulfill the agreement

Hovenier pointed out that all agreements, including the one on the formation of the CSM, must be implemented.

"The expectations of the USA remain as they were. All agreements must be implemented, including the Community," Hovenier told the newsmen after the meeting with the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti.

According to him, it is very important for the USA that the agreement was reached in Ohrid, that the European plan supported by his country was accepted, but also that it is important to form, as he says, the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority.

"Our request has not changed, which is that Prime Minister Kurti works together with us on the formation of the Community," Hovenier concluded.

Before the meeting between the ambassadors accredited in Pristina and Albin Kurti, he announced on his Twitter account that the implementation of the agreement is crucial for the future of Kosovo.

''Implementation of this agreement is critical to unlocking Kosovo's future. We will continue to stand with the people of Kosovo to realize one of our key, shared priorities: ensuring that Kosovo takes its rightful place in European and Euro-Atlantic institutions'', Ambassador Hovenier concluded.

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